Monday, December 19, 2011

Tripp Roth's tears reveal pain epidermis bullosa strikes

I strongly urge you to see the story of one of the bravest young boys I will ever know. Tripp Roth has courage that is unparalleled and his mother Courtney should be looked upon as an angel, the epitome of all that is good in this world. Her unconditional love and total unselfishness for her own life to care for her son is one of if not the most heartwarming stories I have ever heard.

Epidermolysis-Bullosa is an excruciatingly painful disease. Research is being conducted as we speak using adult and cord blood stem cells but SO MUCH MORE needs to be done. I ask that all that read this to do me one request; share this story to someone and ask them to do the same so we can create awareness about the daily battles children like Tripp go through on a daily basis. TOGETHER we can make a difference. Do not do this for me or yourself, do it for Tripp...........MrCordBlood

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